Friday 24 April 2020

Slavonian grebe

The slavonian grebe (Podiceps auritus) is an eye-catching bird, especially in its breeding plumage, but it is more likely to be seen in coastal waters around parts of the British Isles during the winter months. Even then, it is not a common bird, being seen in much greater numbers in Iceland, Scandinavia, Russia and North America. A few pairs breed each year on remote freshwater lochs in the Scottish Highlands, the first such pair having been recorded in 1908.
At around 13 inches (33 cms) in length, the slavovian grebe is about the size of a moorhen. It has a long neck, flat crown and short bill. 
The summer plumage comprises black cheek feathers, chestnut on the neck and flanks, and a dark back. The most striking feature is the prominent yellow tuft, resembling a horn, on either side of the head.
In winter, the Slavonian grebe is a black and white bird, dark above and light below, with a black crown and white cheeks, throat and breast. The plumage – both in summer and winter – is similar as between males and females. 
The slavonian grebe is mostly silent, although during courtship it utters a guttural trill. 
They feed on water insects, larvae and small fish. They will dive for food or take it by skimming the surface.
After wintering on coastal waters, Slavonian grebes return to their breeding grounds in March or early April, having already formed pairs. They have an elaborate courtship ritual in which both birds rear up and face each other, shaking their heads. They will also dive at the same time, come back to the surface carrying water-weed in their bills, then dash side-by-side for up to 10 metres.
The nest is built from water-weed, floating on the surface, but anchored to the lake bottom by plants that grow from there. The nest will be in a sheltered position, possibly under tree branches or overhanging rocks. 
Four or five eggs are laid, to be incubated by both birds, with the chicks hatching after three to four weeks. The chicks are able to swim soon after hatching but will also ride on their parents’ backs. They are able to dive after about ten days, but will rely on being fed by their parents until they are almost ready to fledge, which will be at about two months old. 
The Slavonian grebe is a protected species in the United Kingdom, with every effort made to keep the breeding sites secret as protection against egg collectors.
© John Welford

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